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Are You Willing to Pay the Cost for Your Dreams?

A lot of people are itching for success these days. Whether it’s becoming a millionaire, an entrepreneur, or just achieving something big, everyone’s got a dream. But why does it seem like success comes easier for some than others? Are they just more organized, more driven, or maybe it’s fate? Do they have some secret sauce, like waking up at 5 AM to tackle their goals before the rest of the world gets going? Or maybe they’re master manifesters, leaning on prayer and depending solely on God to bring it all together.

I think all of those things can be factors for success, but there’s one thing that really separates the achievers from the dreamers: the willingness to pay the cost for their dreams.

It’s one thing to write down your goals and visions or even step out in faith to get things done, but the real question is, are you willing to pay the price? And no, I’m not just talking about money. I’m talking about the cost in time, energy, patience, and even sacrifices like skipping out on family time, Netflix binges, or whatever other pleasures life throws your way.

Success costs you in many ways. It’ll test your patience when you’ve been grinding for days, weeks, or months without seeing the money, the likes, or the engagement you’ve been hoping for. It’ll drain your energy as you put everything you have into your dream while praying for an extra hour in the day. And it’ll test your faith when you hit those low points where you want to throw in the towel. But after those cloudy days, you’ll need to pick yourself back up and keep going.

This isn't just about entrepreneurship, either. It applies to anything: a weight loss journey, finding a soulmate, becoming a parent — all of it.

Now, I don’t want to bring you down with this post. It’s really about helping you weigh the cost of your dreams and asking yourself, “Am I ready to pay whatever price comes with it?” And hey, if you’re not ready, don’t sweat it. Recognizing that will save you time and energy for something else more meaningful to you.

So how do you weigh out the cost of your dreams? Here are three ways to help:

1. Write Down Your Goals

We live in a world where everything is typed, but there’s something magical about actually writing things down. When you scribble out your goals on paper, you can cross things off, rearrange your list, and really see the process come to life. It’s not like typing on your phone, where you just hit delete, and it disappears forever. Writing it down makes it real.

2. Write the Costs Next to Your Dreams

Once you have your goals, jot down what it’ll cost to achieve them. For example, if you want to write a book, write down how much time it will take each day or week to write. Think about the research involved, the actual money you’ll need to publish, and the patience you’ll need for the book to sell. Don’t forget the toll it might take on your body if you’re planning a book tour. Writing down both the tangible and intangible costs helps put your dream into perspective.

3. Jot Down the Wins

Now, you might be wondering, “What does this have to do with costs?” But trust me, it’s important. There will be days when weariness sets in, and you’ll need something to keep you going. That’s where your wins come in. Whenever you hit a milestone, no matter how small, write it down. I’ve started the habit of keeping a list of wins, and when I go back to it, I feel pumped to see how far I’ve come. It reminds me that the journey, with all its costs, is worth it.

At the end of the day, like Lee Ann Womack said, I hope you dance and chase after your dreams. My wish for all of us is that we learn to take it one step at a time (which is a whole other blog topic!) and budget out the cost to make those dreams happen.

Are you ready to pay the cost for yours?

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