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Be Your Own Kind cherche à s'associer à vous pour développer et exposer votre entreprise à un public différent.
Veuillez nous envoyer un courriel à ou envoyez un message dans la boîte de discussion ci-dessous pour demander un kit média.

Qu'est-ce que c'est et où se trouve notre plate-forme ?
La plate-forme Be Your Own Kind accentue l'amour de soi et les soins personnels. Nous pouvons être trouvés sur Instagram , Facebook , TikTok , et Gazouillement . Notre plateforme se compose d'un podcast diffusé sur Amazon Musique , Ancre , Podcast Apple , Spotify , iHeartRadio , Youtube, et la plupart des plateformes de diffusion de podcasts.
L'année dernière, nous avons commencé le Chaîne Youtube de la plateforme BYOK que sert de plateforme de vlogging. Lorsque vous vous associez à nous, votre marque sera fréquemment publiée sur tous nos sites de médias sociaux, enregistrements et diffusions en direct.
Sponsorship Packages
Help Us, Help You!
Platinum Advertising
120$USTous les moisPromote Your Business with BYOK- 60-second ad read by the host in every episode for the month
- Company mention at the beginning and end of each episode.
- Dedicated episode featuring an interview with the sponsor
- Weekly dedicated posts on all BYOK social media platforms
- Instagram Stories with swipe-up links to sponsor's website
- Logo and link on the BYOK homepage
- Dedicated Section in BYOK's newsletter
- Ad in two email communications for the month.
- Populaire
Gold Package
80$USTous les moisPromote Your Business with BYOK- 30-second ad read by the host in every episode for the month
- Company mention at the end of each episode.
- Bi-weekly dedicated posts on all BYOK social media platforms
- Instagram Stories with tags and mentions.
- Ad in two email communications for the month.
- Logo and link on the BYOK sponsor page.
Silver Package
40$USTous les moisPromote Your Business with BYOK- 15-second ad read by the host in every episode for the month
- Company mention at the end of each episode.
- Monthly Product Review Post & Video
- Monthly dedicated post on all BYOK social media platforms.
- Instagram Story with tags and mentions.
- Monthly Mention in Newsletter
Event Mention
50$USPromote Your Event with BYOK- 30-second mention of your event in one episode
- Detailed announcement
- One dedicated post on all BYOK social media platforms
- Mention of the event in BYOK'snewsletter
- Event listed on the BYOK website
Product Review
10$USOne-Time Product Review- In-depth review of your product in a dedicated segment
- The review will include a thorough discussion of the product
- One dedicated post across all BYOK social media platforms
- Instagram Story with tags and mentions of the product.
- Mention of the product review in BYOK's newsletter,
- Product review featured on the BYOK website with a detailed
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