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Be Your Own Kind cherche à s'associer à vous pour développer et exposer votre entreprise à un public différent.

Veuillez nous envoyer un courriel à  ou envoyez un message dans la boîte de discussion ci-dessous pour demander un kit média. 

Découvrez nos sponsors

Chrysalis Logo Prototype 1 (1).png

Qu'est-ce que c'est et où se trouve notre plate-forme ?

La plate-forme Be Your Own Kind accentue l'amour de soi et les soins personnels. Nous pouvons être trouvés sur  InstagramFacebook  ,  TikTok , et  Gazouillement . Notre plateforme se compose d'un podcast diffusé sur  Amazon MusiqueAncrePodcast AppleSpotifyiHeartRadioYoutube,  et la plupart des plateformes de diffusion de podcasts.

L'année dernière, nous avons commencé le  Chaîne Youtube de la plateforme BYOK  que  sert de plateforme de vlogging. Lorsque vous vous associez à nous, votre marque sera fréquemment publiée sur tous nos sites de médias sociaux, enregistrements et diffusions en direct. 

Sponsorship Packages

Help Us, Help You!

  • Platinum Advertising

    Tous les mois
    Promote Your Business with BYOK
    • 60-second ad read by the host in every episode for the month
    • Company mention at the beginning and end of each episode.
    • Dedicated episode featuring an interview with the sponsor
    • Weekly dedicated posts on all BYOK social media platforms
    • Instagram Stories with swipe-up links to sponsor's website
    • Logo and link on the BYOK homepage
    • Dedicated Section in BYOK's newsletter
    • Ad in two email communications for the month.
  • Populaire

    Gold Package

    Tous les mois
    Promote Your Business with BYOK
    • 30-second ad read by the host in every episode for the month
    • Company mention at the end of each episode.
    • Bi-weekly dedicated posts on all BYOK social media platforms
    • Instagram Stories with tags and mentions.
    • Ad in two email communications for the month.
    • Logo and link on the BYOK sponsor page.
  • Silver Package

    Tous les mois
    Promote Your Business with BYOK
    • 15-second ad read by the host in every episode for the month
    • Company mention at the end of each episode.
    • Monthly Product Review Post & Video
    • Monthly dedicated post on all BYOK social media platforms.
    • Instagram Story with tags and mentions.
    • Monthly Mention in Newsletter
  • Event Mention

    Promote Your Event with BYOK
    • 30-second mention of your event in one episode
    • Detailed announcement
    • One dedicated post on all BYOK social media platforms
    • Mention of the event in BYOK'snewsletter
    • Event listed on the BYOK website
  • Product Review

    One-Time Product Review
    • In-depth review of your product in a dedicated segment
    • The review will include a thorough discussion of the product
    • One dedicated post across all BYOK social media platforms
    • Instagram Story with tags and mentions of the product.
    • Mention of the product review in BYOK's newsletter,
    • Product review featured on the BYOK website with a detailed

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