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Be Your Own Kind is op soek na 'n vennootskap met jou om jou besigheid uit te brei en aan 'n ander stel gehore bloot te stel.

E-pos ons asseblief by  of stuur 'n boodskap in die kletsboks hieronder om mediastel aan te vra. 

Kyk na ons borge

Chrysalis Logo Prototype 1 (1).png

Wat en waar is ons platform?

Die Be Your Own Kind-platform beklemtoon selfliefde en selfversorging. Ons kan gevind word op  InstagramFacebook  ,  TikTok , en  Twitter . Ons platform bestaan uit 'n podcast wat voortstroom  Amazon MusiekAnkerApple PodcastsSpotifyiHeart RadioYoutube,  en die meeste podcast-stroomplatforms.

Verlede jaar het ons begin met die  BYOK Platform Youtube-kanaal  daardie  dien as vlogging platform. As u met ons saamwerk, sal u handelsmerk gereeld op al ons sosiale media-webwerwe, opnames en regstreekse strome geplaas word. 

Sponsorship Packages

Help Us, Help You!

  • Platinum Advertising

    Every month
    Promote Your Business with BYOK
    • 60-second ad read by the host in every episode for the month
    • Company mention at the beginning and end of each episode.
    • Dedicated episode featuring an interview with the sponsor
    • Weekly dedicated posts on all BYOK social media platforms
    • Instagram Stories with swipe-up links to sponsor's website
    • Logo and link on the BYOK homepage
    • Dedicated Section in BYOK's newsletter
    • Ad in two email communications for the month.
  • Best Value

    Gold Package

    Every month
    Promote Your Business with BYOK
    • 30-second ad read by the host in every episode for the month
    • Company mention at the end of each episode.
    • Bi-weekly dedicated posts on all BYOK social media platforms
    • Instagram Stories with tags and mentions.
    • Ad in two email communications for the month.
    • Logo and link on the BYOK sponsor page.
  • Silver Package

    Every month
    Promote Your Business with BYOK
    • 15-second ad read by the host in every episode for the month
    • Company mention at the end of each episode.
    • Monthly Product Review Post & Video
    • Monthly dedicated post on all BYOK social media platforms.
    • Instagram Story with tags and mentions.
    • Monthly Mention in Newsletter
  • Event Mention

    Promote Your Event with BYOK
    • 30-second mention of your event in one episode
    • Detailed announcement
    • One dedicated post on all BYOK social media platforms
    • Mention of the event in BYOK'snewsletter
    • Event listed on the BYOK website
  • Product Review

    One-Time Product Review
    • In-depth review of your product in a dedicated segment
    • The review will include a thorough discussion of the product
    • One dedicated post across all BYOK social media platforms
    • Instagram Story with tags and mentions of the product.
    • Mention of the product review in BYOK's newsletter,
    • Product review featured on the BYOK website with a detailed

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