Who's Behind Be Your Own Kind?

Nita Q.-Creator of B.Y.O.K.
The Be Your Own Kind (B.Y.O.K.) Platform highlights self-awareness and self-actualization. In a society that promotes mimicking a carbon copy, spreading the word about creating your own page is essential.
For part of my life, I was taxed with the burden of believing that I was a defect and that life would be best lived if I attempted to be someone else. It wasn't until I could no longer recognize myself in the mirror that I started to pivot back to who I was. I realized how much my "weirdness" was my superpower; the very things I tried to conceal were the things that made me unique and special.
I had to take a leap and travel down the road of self-discovery and self-acceptance. Life is not an audition, so I needed to resuscitate my identity and embrace all what life has to offer. In this life, it is essential to begin living authentically to truly experience personal fulfillment, inner peace, and self-awareness which can help foster relationships with genuine connections. I was finally able to breathe. Do you know what that feels like?
Eager to share my experiences with the world, I created the Be Your Own Kind Platform blog and later the Be Your Own Kind podcast to spread this message of authenticity in hopes that it would become contagious and breathe life into others. If you are tired of being on the inside of your mind, please take my hand, and let's go on this journey together. I encourage you to join my private Be Your Kind Facebook Group to grow with a group of women, who are also creating their own lanes.
You Deserve Happiness, Love, and the Space to just BE. 💗